Monday, May 25, 2009

What do you see?

Pareidolia: n. The tendency to interpret a vague stimulus as something known to the viewer. [Courtesy: Wiktionary]

Take a look.

I see a mouse. I showed it to a friend, and she saw a dog.

Now take a look here.

I see a dinosaur. A friend saw a turtle. Another saw a cake.

OK, let me tell you what they are. Cracks in a wall!!
The grand conclusion? Brain is a wonderful thing [OK, nothing new, I admit].

[A lot more at Bad Astronomy].

So tell me, what do you see?


Unknown said...

theres a cloud appreciation society..this is nice...i love looking at clouds and interpreting shapes too...thanks..:)

as for d first..i thot it was a rock..n 2nd..thot it was a dinosaur

Rakesh Vanamali said...

I saw (in both) a mountain shot from a distance!

Mohsin said...

Hadn't heard of the society.. sahi hai.. And Yep me too enjoy staring at the sky... :)

Hehe. Now I did not see that. Is it ever possible that two people will perceive a thing is exactly the same way? Looks like No.. :)