Friday, May 15, 2009

What bored engineers do? Part II

Again on a Friday evening.

First, one of them has to buy an awesome bike (Congrats MD!), so they can escape to the parking lot.
One of them makes a discovery, a hard disk which someone clearly threw away.
They discuss the cool keychains you can make out of the PCB.
One of them takes it all seriously, and starts looking for a way to open the harddisk (Someone suggests a hammer).
The serious fella actually returns with a screwdriver and stuff. Others, being the engineers they are, enthusiastically join in.
Then open the harddisk, decide to make a keychain out of the read-write head. Someone wonders if a gramophone can be made with the motor and the disk. But they could not agree on the best way to cut the PCB.
They discover something called 'buttons in HA' in the room (three buttons controlling a single lamp, but could not again decide why it is so. Is the 3 button unit standard? but why then have all them wired to the lone lamp, why not leave two of them alone. To get some flavor of the kinds of debates, read the ever helpful xkcd).
There is so much laughter in the room that somebody protected by two glass doors has to come and ask them to shut up.

[Later someone writes a blog about what bored engineers do on a Friday evening, Part II].



*full form in Part I


Unknown said...

yes...the HA joke..was cool...:D

n i loved d way our voices actually made its way thru two shut doors..:D

Mohsin said...

yep, hadn't expected that..
our vocal chords are more powerful than we'd (and anybody else wud) like.. :p

vinaya said...

I likes this series! No number of glass doors shall stop me next Friday!

Mohsin said...

Don't you realize? It's not the glass doors that is your problem.. :p
It's a force, a field.. And nobody can stop it.. :p
Anyway I wish you the best of luck.. :p