Friday, December 19, 2008

New category: PreWeekend post

Watched the last episode of Heroes Season 3 this evening. I liked Season 3 better that Season 2, but probably because (among other things) I took it slowly. Watched the latest episode of TBBT before that. And my love for it just keeps growing. I am also nearing the end of a nice book, but more about that later. Now you might (quite naturally) wonder what's my point? Well, the point is that I have already exhausted my weekend survival kit, if I could call it that, and the weekend has not even begun properly. (Something similar happened last Friday too, but I guess the Landmark trip saved me. That is no longer an option though). But wait a min..

OK, I am back. Just returned from The Rabbit's desk. The guy is a champ in most games I've ever heard of. Watching him play Half Life brings to my mind the cherished memories of Unreal Tournament and Call of Duty. God, I miss those days, and that old me. Maybe it's time for me to re-start playing something. (Though what I really want is UT2003, one of the finest games ever made, in my not so humble opinion). Another thing I can try is listen to some new music. My playlist (frankly not very large) has started to seem a bit monotonous (I see that I've become more aware of my musical tastes since reading the iPod book). Suggestions are welcome in this regard. And of course there are the books. Sometimes I just completely forget about a book after buying it. Wading through my collection might yield some fruits.

Well, that's enough planning I guess. Good Bye and Have a nice weekend.


Charuta said...

same thing with me to..exhausted everything while waiting for snowfall in Canada to stop ;)...awaiting ur post abt weekend tomm., i spent mine in landmark buying which books which i rationalized would help in me self-development (self-scoffing smile)

Mohsin said...

me zopalo would make a very short weekend post ;-)
btw what exactly did u buy?