Friday, November 14, 2008

Done with first Season..

Heroes Season I. Done. Actually I had a kinda block after first three episodes. But I resumed two days ago and then could not stop. Some plots feel a bit superfluous, like Niki and the associated maa-beta drama, but I think that's only because I watched it at a stretch. I really appreciate the efforts these guys have put in. Plus teaches a few things too. Like Peter tells us to keep collecting the good bits wherever you find them, but Sylar is a warning of what happens if that is taken too far and turned into greed. Hiro's lightheartedness makes a big impression too. But by and far the power that would be most useful to me (and fellow software engineers) is that of the kid, Micah, talking to machines. That way, I can tell machines to not segfault, I can tell the connection to not die, I can tell the database to not corrupt and so on. I can even... Well, the possibilities seem endless :p. But let me stop daydreaming.

I am happy to be done with the first season, which my friends tell me is the best. But I do not intend to stop here. Generations, I'm comin..

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