Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Lately I have become a huge fan of the television series The Big Bang Theory. It was Vivek who mentioned it to me in a comment, that's how I got to know about it. Now in the normal course of events I would have just forgotten about it in a day or two, but by sheer chance (or was it divine intervention?) I stumbled upon an episode the same day (Just for the record, it was where Sheldon tries to learn to drive). What I had expected was a science show, discovery channel eshtyle, but I was in for a pleasant surprise. The show is amazing !! (but let me also mention that I have watched only four episodes till now). Best geek comedy I have ever seen (In fact the only geek comedy I have ever seen, but it's so good). And some events will feel very familiar, if you have geeky friends. I'm lovin it..


vivek said...

Divine intervention?? Sir an aberration in your blog i guess.[:)] But ya watch all the episodes......

Mohsin said...

I guess you forgot to turn on ur sarcasm detector..
btw photomadhe evadha lajat ka ahes??

vivek said...

these paparazzi man, i tell you......

Mohsin said...

sala nautanki..
ghadi ghadi drama karta hai..

vinaya said...

What timely intervention, too! Am almost done with available episodes of heroes.
Will TBBT fill the void left by heroes? Find out next week...