Friday, January 16, 2009

My Crazy Friday

It starts with something simple. I try to background a shell script. Apparently it can't bear this small span of inattention, so decides to commit suicide. My intervention is too late to be of any use, need to restart the whole (long running) process again. I try to do it, at which point I discover that my test hardware has corrupted itself, so I need to fix it first, at which point I discover that my Desktop has crashed too, and I need to restart it first, so I press the reboot button, but my Desktop is in no mood to boot and is now showing me an error message with zero information content. Murphy Maharaj ki jai ho.. (I am now blabbering about 'Rationality' and want to build my own MONTE (reference: TBBT S02E12 ;-)). [It does not help that all this is happening after I have had more than my fair share of Hyderabadi Biryani at CPK],

Some time later..
With some help, I am able to sort all the problems out, one by one. Thank You Guys. As I still have some time, I decide to do cleanup of my machine (I keep receiving (well deserved) banter for it). Unread papers, long forgotten software, documents that won't see the light of day again, stuff from old projects, home directories of friends who've moved on, everything has a meaning. But can't keep it all. Some of it (and with it, a part of me, inevitably) must go. On the brighter side, I now have more to offer to the new stuff.

Some time later..
The clock says 00:02. I can't believe it. So I confirm. Saturday has indeed begun. Maybe I should leave. And with that thought I realize that I don't have my bike today. Now I enjoy long, night walks taken alone, so I decide to make the journey on foot. I notice a surprising number of people talking on phones. One bike, there autos and two cars try to run me over. Many thoughts cloud up my mind. I remind myself to reread Pula's 'Raste' after reaching home. And I keep walking..


Unknown said... hell of a day...

but such days make life more interesting i guess...:)

vivek said...
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vivek said...

PC crash is an excellent excuse for avoiding sticky bugs and gettin an extension on your deadlines hehehe. Peace man peace, was just joking.......

Mohsin said...

Yes, exactly..

Ok, my pilot run failed (I did not get an extension), but let me try it one more time, just to be sure ;-)

Ashwin said...

"Hyderabadi Biryani at CPK"

ahaa...that reminds me of the "good" old days :-D

vinaya said...

Oh alright, next time i'll help you more with the Biryani.
(thats the only thing in your long list of things i can help with!)