Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Chasing Ghosts

I was a huge fan of the cartoon show Ghostbusters as a kid. Especially Egon was my hero. Between you and me, I can tell you that I wanted to be one. But that was ages ago.

Fast forward to the present. I am investigating a bug. First, it appeared out of nowhere. Second, it appeared at the most inconvenient time, I am very close to a deadline. Third, its behavior is very inconsistent. It worked something like first thousand times, then it just stopped. Fourth, I can not come up with a rational explanation for what it is. In other words, I have no clue. Fifth, the procedure to reproduce it is lengthy and painful. I come up with one theory or another, and one by one my assumptions shatter. Here I am, stuck in the metaphorical tar pit with no idea.

I had never imagined the software profession helping me realize my childhood dream of chasing ghosts.

The stuff above was written a while ago. The good thing is, we solved the bug. To be more precise (and a little bit honest), Manish solved the bug, while I watched on. It was the most vivid example a schroedinbug I have ever seen. May I add it was a good learning experience (I certainly hope such learning experiences to be rarer though ;-).



Charuta said...

sorta comforting to know that this phenomena has a name n no less frm MIT..:)..and do u have any ghostbuster downloads?

Mohsin said...

the rest of the jargon file is pretty interesting too..
as for the GB dnlds, nopes, unfortunately..