Wednesday, April 1, 2009

You should read this book.

To err is human. To cover it up is Weasel.

So begins Scott Adams' Dilbert and the way of the Weasel. Now we all love Dilbert, but this was the first time I read a book by Mr.Adams. And I simply couldn't stop chuckling while I was at it. The central theme is the Weasel Zone, which Scott defines to be the gray area between good moral behavior and outright criminality and where most of life happens. He shares his invaluable wisdom about how to survive and succeed there. Let me share some bits..

Data Collection: The most useless kind of data is the accurate one. The whole point of Data Collection is to persuade people to do things they aren't already doing.
The first step of Marketing is to collect data about what people want. The next step is to throw all that data away and make whatever your company can make; it's called Product Development.

I don't see how we can survive without that kinda knowledge (Weasel Knowledge: crossing a bunch of ignorance with Powerpoint charts). Later part of the book discusses social weasels, financial weasels and some more. Strangely enough, Software does not make it to his list of weaseliest professions; how could you miss it Scott?

On a more serious note, we've all met weasels, and to be completely honest, have been weasels ourselves sometimes. So yes, there is something to be learned from the book. If you are so inclined, you can learn how to identify and counteract weasels. [On the other hand, which means if you are like me, you'll add new tools to your weasel toolbag ;-)]. One more note: I think the more workex you have, the more you'll enjoy this book, because you might have already met some weasels from the book in person in your years. As for me, I plan to read it again a few years later, just to see what has changed. And you should read it too.


vivek said...

Check out "The dilbert principle". Its fun reading too. Its in the company library.

Mohsin said...

yes, it's next on the list..