Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Life @ Wall Street

The name of Wall Street inspires a certain amount of awe. People making (and losing) millions overnight. But apart from that I knew almost nothing. So thanks to Abhishek for sharing Liar's Poker with me. It's an honest, witty, funny glimpse at the life on Wall Street circa 1980s. The author describes his journey from a lowly trainee to a geek salesman(yep, Finance guys have their geeks too, but it does not appear to be a badge of honor as in programming circles) to the proverbial BSD (can't share the full form, this being a family blog ;-). And you get a rare glimpse at why trading is so addictive for some. Being a book about Wall Street, Finance-speak appears here and there, a language which I can confidently claim to barely understand. I understood enough to follow the book, but it you have read some books about Finance-speak which are interesting and informative (in that order), please leave a comment (or Email, or tweet, or sms, or something, there are (too) many ways to express yourself online these days. You can also come and plain-old-talk to me, if you are old fashioned ;-).

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