Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Funny things happen to me

Remember my last post? It began its life as a post about a nice evening, but I (and of course you) can see that I spent a lot of time (and space) whining about my lost keys. I remembered opening the apartment door on Friday and that was the last time I saw them. Initially I assumed, hogi yahi kahi... But that was not the case. I looked inside/below almost all objects in my room. Did not even spare the kitchen (OK, even looked inside the fridge). But no luck. After spending a sizable chunk of the weekend doing this, I finally came to the conclusion that I've lost'em. That included the apartment key + bike key + suitcase (which had the spare bike key) key. Had to break the suitcase lock and go and make a duplicate apartment key. I was a little worried too, coz I had lost them in/near my room. One possibility was I forgot them in the latch, so somebody might get hold of them and rob us. OK, the robbers would have to be really desperate, but one could not deny the possibility.

OK, jump to the present. After a heavy day of work (which included CS+UT+DK), I return home. My roomie throws a key at me and asks to take a look. I am awestruck. Those are my keys. I am about to start crying in pleasure but logic intervenes. "Where did you find them, mate?" Answer: Inside my other roomie's drawer. Now I cannot imagine how the keys got there. a) I put them there b)Somebody else did. Not sure which is the right option. But that hardly matters. Good thing is, I found what I was looking for. Not that it happens all the time.



vivek said...

Kaise karte ho yaar tum matlab? "Key" ho gaya hai tumhe?

Mohsin said...

pina jast zala malak, ky karnar :p
ani "key" karun anali, 20Rs lagale.. :p

Ashwin said...

good 4 u..

Unknown said...

hehe..nice post...
u looked in d fridge too...lol...
n robbers wud hafta be desperate...funny..!

n ... yes...nice philo comment at the end...'one dsnt always find wat they want'..!! nice..:)

Onkar said...

hats off to you ! i was amazed to read that post when you swiped your company id card to unlock your room. compared to that, this is good, i would say

Mohsin said...

Thx..Thx.. I generally forget my keys at unusual places, hence fridge ;)

Thx buddy.. As I said, funny things happen to me ;)