Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Reasoning with the Unreasonable

The unreasonable I am referring to here is the stuff of the mind. Thoughts. We spend almost every waking moment thinking. And we pride ourself on our way to reason, our logic; but surely there are moments when the unreasonable reigns. On one side you can see the, well, unreasonableness (if there is such a word) of your own thoughts. If only that would make it go away. But No. It'll sit there, eating your cycles, consuming your energy. Personal quirk, or some remnant primal urge? Or something else? I am not sure. Fact is, it's there to pop its ugly head occassionally, and we have to learn to deal with it.

Being a robot ain't entirely devoid of benefits, it seems.


Unknown said...

ohh yes..the multiple threads of thoughts...
how do u decide tat they r unreasonable? they may be for u..bt nt fr someone else...

Mohsin said...

Possible.. I mean unreasonable in the sense that the evidence points to the contrary, but the mind won't leave a favored (and wrong) hypothesis..

vivek said...

Ugly? Ugly kahe bhai?...Isnt what that separates us from as you said, machines? This need for formalising,rationalising and 'reasonifying' everything is all good but its the 'unreasonable' that manifests in the form of quirks and the craziness among everyone that makes this place 'hell' as well as makes this 'hell' survivable.

Ashwin said...

"...eating your cycles,..."
dude, u r a pakka CS grad ;-)

Mohsin said...

Maybe you are right!
