Monday, November 16, 2009

The frank politician

Values are faithfully applied to the facts before us, while ideology overrides facts that call theory in question.
-From Audacity of Hope

Barack Obama has become a symbol of hope for millions worldwide, and that includes not just Americans. His Audacity of Hope was a wonderful read. The things that stand out most is his frankness to say things as he sees them without political pamper, his willingness to say that the problems before him may not have simple solutions and also to consider the alternate point of view. Coming from a politician, you might expect it to be dry read, but it's not. The book is enlivened by narratives of the author's encounters with the Aam Aadmi. And I think the things he talks about apply (to some extent, at any rate) to our country too. I think you should not miss it.

1 comment:

Rakesh Vanamali said...

I so much wanna get my hands on this book!