Thursday, October 1, 2009

My (current) Dream

Ek bangala bane nyara..

Most people have a dream home. I really haven't given the topic much thought, but there is one feature in particular that I would like want to have. This feature is an isolated room, the size of a large hall, 36 X 36 X 12 would be enough. The walls of this room need to be strong, scratch resistant and sound proof. There is not much furniture required, just a bed/aaram-kursi. And chairs. Here we can have variety; plastic chairs, rotating chairs and a couple of wooden chairs. They are not to be all put in a corner, small groups need to exist, spread over the area of the room. Now if you already haven't guessed what I intend to use the room for, here comes the surprise. I want to be able to throw a chair whenever I feel like it. In any direction. It's a great stress buster (at least I think so, haven't gotten around to throw my first yet, but these days the feeling often overpowers me). You might think I got the idea from Mr. Ballmer, but no, I think humans have this basic urge to throw chairs. And there is a lot of scope for improvements. One that I can immediately think of is a healthy supply of cups. I suspect throwing cups might be another basic human urge. Of course, somebody needs to clean the room, and refill the stock, topics I would leave for some later post. I also think developers would be a lot more productive if companies make such an arrangement possible.

So what ya think?

Update: It occurs to me that I can also build this dream in second life.


Unknown said...

tats one kind of a stress tat involves loss of chairs/cups or sumthin else right...
how abt..pillows...for a pillow fight :)...
or maybe...a long walk..and yell out your lungs..where no one can hear :)

Mohsin said...

yep these are good options too..
and yell out loud.. that's why the room will be sound proof :p

Rakesh Vanamali said...

I always thought that it was I alone who had this mad desire to throw chairs.......but it seems that I got company!


Mohsin said...

as I said, it appears to be basic human instinct.. :)