Thursday, March 19, 2009


Words. One of the first things we learn in our life. And lifelong companions. They are indispensable would be a gross understatement, almost on the verge of stupidity. And here is a funny thing, they don't reveal their magic all at once, just like a master showman. Like there are words you are all too familiar with, you've heard them for like a million times, but what they truly represent, the meaning, is something that life teaches you, as you go along. They come, go and mutate and do crazy things inside your head. Surroundings play a part here, maybe you change with age, maybe your newer prejudices (some say wisdom, not very sure if that is the right word) replace older prejudices. But that's all well and good, you might say, what's my point? Nothing in particular actually. I was just amused at how these things happen. That's it. But let me end this little piece (of totally incoherent blah blah) with something I read somewhere many years ago (and think might be useful). The great Indian scholor, Panini, once said something to the effect (IIRC), "A man gets moksha if he truly understands a single word". Seems like there's some truth to that.


Unknown said...

lots of insightful posts...
didnt kno...u think sooo much too...:)

Mohsin said...

more probably, it's the result of
skipping snacks + 8-9 cups of tea and lukewarm choco drink..