Wednesday, August 13, 2008

General Knowledge

Pune Mirror had a poll in yesterday's edition, the question was 'What will you do if you go on date with Abhinav Bindra?' (or something of this sort). The thing about these polls is, the results are mostly predictable. So I was surprised a bit by the results. The majority answer (76%) was 'I don't know who he is'. This is unbelievable. I mean, everybody is shouting Abhinav's name from their rooftops. Govts are announcing rewards, newspapers are overflowing with his praise, and I am sure, TV channels are not lagging (If anything, they might be leading this shouting race). So what might be the cause of these strange results? Statistical glitch? general ignorance? or just plain apathy towards non cricket sports? I would have liked to conduct a poll of my own on this matter. But seeing the amount of traffic here, that seems futile. (AFAIK Google crawlers don't vote on such polls :-p). But still I wonder..


vivek said...

Most such polls are crap I feel. I dont know where they get their statistics from. Their sample size must be something like 15 people. Waste of time I feel, such polls are

Mohsin said...

more like 15 imaginary people ;-)

vivek said...

ya, could be...with names like Rambo Gaikwad....hehehehe

Mohsin said...

its called modernization dude....
Rambhau -> Rambo

Pappul said...

Our esteemed countrymen are generally busy in catching up with the sights and sounds of the West/developed countries. You cant blame them for bypassing names of national heroes. They are doing such great service for the country you see and you will notice that these are the people who will be the first ones to point fingers ... I think we should feel blessed that such people dont know out national heroes ... they dont deserve to know them ... Cheers ... !!

Mohsin said...

true man..
some ppl just don't change..