Thursday, February 14, 2008

Inmates are running the Asylum

Recently I finished reading this book, 'Inmates are running the Asylum', by Alan Cooper. The inmates in the title are the programmers, who the author argues are actually running the software business (OK some CTO/CEOs might be programmers, but certainly your average programmer does not run the business, read Dilbert if you have any doubt).

The book talks about the (un)usability of today's computer systems. The central point is that computers are becoming more and more a part of our daily lives with many devices being crossed with computers (like ATMs and Car locks). But end user design does not get its share in our ever cramped software schedules. The author calls today's software products 'Dancing bearware'. Take this scenario, if you see a dancing bear, you most likely won't notice how well it is dancing, astonished as you are to see it dance. Same is the case with today's software products, they enable us do things that were previously impossible and end users accept their idiosyncrasies as the price that will have to be paid (compounded by the fact that they have never seen anything better). Surely software annoyance is a big problem these days, there are even books devoted to this topic (so it has also become a big business). The problem worsens because the end user design is done by programmers (who are good at handling cognitive friction, whereas the end users are not) and they tend to concentrate on tasks that the user needs to perform instead of the goals of the user.

The author argues, though people will use such a product, it does not generate customer loyalty and users will switch as soon as an alternative becomes available. (As can be seen in the case of ipod and other music players). The author suggests 'goal based and persona directed end user design' as a solution (though he sounds a bit too optimistic with the effectiveness of this solution). Another important point the author makes is that, improved technology won't automatically solve these problems. Our processes will have to be improved to make any real progress (True for many other problems, e.g. newer programming paradigms (like OO), were expected to give bug immunity as well).

Overall, a superb read, highly recommended, even if you don't design UIs.

P.S. In an experimental setup, users were expected to complete a complex operation using spreadsheets. Every few seconds, the status bar flashed the message, 'There is a $50 bill taped under your desk', but none of the users claimed this prize. Goes on a long way to show the usability of standard UI components like the status bar.


Ashwin said...

u wrote in the POST>> """Another important point the author makes is that, improved technology won't automatically solve these problems. Our processes will have to be improved to make any real progress"""

very true ....and this comment has a very universal appeal .... i had a practical experience on similar lines.
had been to the Airtel Customer Desk to pay my cell phone bill ....there was a huge line in spite of complete computerized process... i wondered y!
As i went near the desk ... i observed that they were using a Dot Matrix printer to print the bill statement! i need to say anything more? :-P

Mohsin said...

very true indeed..
just on the same lines cars were supposed to solve the transportation problem, but just drive in Pune to restore sanity :-)

vivek said...

Better not show this book to our frontend boss..........

Mohsin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mohsin said...

he might be reading this comment right now!!
you should have posted anonymously, at least..