Monday, December 31, 2012

A year passes

It is like an early morning journey in winter. Dew is everywhere. In the rear view mirror, you can just see a vague reflection. You know it is you, but that is all. A little effort yields all kinds of funny effects. And with each passing kilometer, features begin to emerge. They are your own and you know it, but a patient exmination might still surprise you. And so it is with a passing year. With  triumphs and defeats, hysteria and depression, and everything in betwern, and the ragbag of bittersweet experiences, the reflection in the mirror of mind is a bit clearer. And the journey continues.

Wish you the best in eveything in the new year.


Rakesh Vanamali said...

Wishing you the very best!

Mohsin said...

You have a happy new year too :)