Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tales of Cards

I recently got myself a credit card. Now this news would come as big relief to some of my friends, because before I was always  begging to use their card for something or the other. One might think repeated begging should have pushed me to get one for myself, but then I don't call myself lazy for nothing. I managed to be a holdout for more than four years. I had one before that, for a year or so, but it expired and I let it (again, I don't call myself lazy for nothing). The push to get one were the recent 'faaren' journeys; not having a credit card really is an incoveneince when in a different country. The funny thing I noticed was I did not immedietly go on a shopping spree to complete my long pending plans. For example I wanted to get a LWN subscription forever, but the thought came to my mind a couple of months after I was in a position to get it without begging. Ditto for a subscription to sciam digital. I think I had gotten too used to living without a credit card. I was surprised at how deep that 'used to' went.

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