Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weekend so far

And some other stuff..

The weekend started with a party. Let me say this is print, I do not have any respect left for people who build two hotels in the same galli with the same name (differentiating in the third word doesn't count, note for the nitpicks). It was a lot of fun, but afterwards my mind kept coming back to this, in IT your almost entire friend circle changes every few years (assuming you make friends at the workplace, some people successfully manage to not but I am not the one). My dad (who is a professor) has workplace friendships going back more than my age. I am sure that makes our lives a little less rich, a little less complete.

Finished reading Massive, on the enginneering scale a pass-class book (a distinction (not the grade) your truly used to enjoy while in college). Next came H.G.Wells' The Time Machine. I had heard so much about it that I was bound to like it :).

The mistake is to say life is one thing or another. It's an optimization problem. Which means most of philosphy is ruled out and you can not die in peace.

TV continues to insult and madden me, nowadays more than ever. They should design a game where you can shoot TV shows.

The sky is pale blue, I can see a few trees through the window. A bird flies by. The road buzzes with traffic. Life goes on..


Unknown said...

very well goes on...:)
change is the way of life...

Mohsin said...

very true :)