Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A short note

On a short book, John Gribbin's In search of the multiverse. OK, just to be clear, there is no 'The Multiverse'. The basic idea is that our visible universe is just a part of a much bigger (possibly infinite) thing, called multiverse. Why do you need it? To explain say, why the universe had low entropy to begin with, or say, why it is so supportive of life (I won't go in much details (the author does it nicely), except mentioning that there are multiple ways to go theorizing about it, for example the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, or chaotic inflation, or cosmic landscape of string theory, and so on). The writing is accessible, but certain parts were not very clear to me (though not due to any fault on the author's part, I think at a certain level words are no substitute for equations, but then you have to go to textbooks for them). Importantly, it packs a lot of information in just 200 pages. A good read if you have read a few popsci books before, and want an upgrade.



Unknown said...

its scary...reading abt string theory etc...i wudnt follow a word :)

Mohsin said...

that's what u think.. but if i can, u can too.. :)