Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Large Lepton Collider

Yeah, yeah, they switched on the Large Hadron Collider, and the world did not end, much to the disappointment of news channels who were hyping the whole thing. I don't know from where they get these ideas (not that I really want to know). But this might be a huge step forward for particle physics. While they are busy finding the Higgs Boson, enjoy this, this and this. And, anybody wants to see the large lepton collider..

(OK, I admit, other things are colliding too ;-)

Update: A few interesting numbers about LHC, here. So you will need a stack of DVDs 6.9 km, yes km, in height to hold the data generated by LHC. Maybe it's time to move on to Holographic storage ;-)


vivek said...

I guess it was a test run right? The real thing is sometime in the news channels have some masala....

Mohsin said...

they were too stupid to know it IMHO...