Friday, September 26, 2008

Evolution of a Blogger

Note: 'he' should be read as 'he/she', same for 'his' etc.

Evolution is not a belief system, it is a fact.
-read on BABlog
So it's only natural to suppose that Bloggers evolve too..

First Post phase:
Aka Bubbling Enthusiasm phase. After much procrastination, TPB (The Poor Blogger, faute de mieux) takes the first faltering step, i.e. writes his first post. Generally it does not have any content. Just the announcement, big plans etc etc. The link is forwarded to everybody in contacts. TPB thinks of this as a big event and eagerly awaits feedback.

Post First Post phase
Aka The First Blow phase. TPB discovers nearly nobody read his blog. Most, most people just don't care. That's a fact. TPB thinks that maybe the non-content post was the reason. So he goes on to write something that he thinks has content. Again nobody reads it.

I have better things to do phase
After facing the harsh realities of life, TPB thinks, maybe blogging is not for him. I mean (he thinks), what's the point of blogging if nobody reads it? I have better things to do, is what his conclusion is. And here, at this point, the evolution takes an unfortunate turn. Most bloggers leave, never to return. But there's still hope for some.

Another spike in the graph phase
The thing with the Internet is, once you write something, it's forever. So somebody stumbles upon TPB's stuff. And a passing mention is enough to revive TPB's enthusiasm. A series of posts follows.. And slowly, TPB starts to 'get it'. He discovers, there is a point in blogging, even if nobody reads it. It helps you organize your thoughts and provide a way to record them, which you can later enjoy and amuse yourself with. Now, either he figures this out himself, or more probably, somebody points him to Stevey's post. And he blogs happily ever after (and some posts are even read).

The evolution of course goes on, but I have no idea exactly how. I'll keep looking for it..


Ashwin said...

thats so true...
i m sure each one of us has experienced going through each one of them.
I must admit ... i m not entirely in phase 4 yet ... but just out of phase3.
And reading such wonderful posts from regular bloggers n enthusiasts like you, make other people.. seriously consider about going into phase 4
keep blogging buddy!

Unknown said...

Hey..came here from Ashwin's blog. Good post, I agree completely :)

Mohsin said...

@Ashwin and @Sanket
Thanks guys..
and it's comments like this that really make the transition in the fourth stage possible (and keep a blogger going..)
Happy blogging..

Charuta said...

ur kindness ensures atleast a comment frm u for every post, so i dont move past the first phase! Thanks!! :)P

vivek said...

Theres a fifth stage: the blogger goes to office and has presumably no work[:P] What do I do, what do i do?[:D] Aaah , yeah blog the savior comes to the rescue.[:D] Tere mgr ko batana padega......

Mohsin said...

no work !!
(tujhe kaise pata??)