Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Meteoric rise

I cannot be the first person to be confused by the phrase 'meteoric rise' (another example is 'quantum leap'); you see meteors don't rise, they fall. But then recently I came across the story of Ensisheim meteorite; it fell in 1492 near the town of Ensisheim now in France. The thing is, after it was discovered and kings and such had taken its darshan, it was duly chained. It remained so for more than 300 years. Originally this was done to prevent it from taking flight again, in case it had mind to do so. Probably a common belief at the time. Does the phrase 'meteoric rise' has anything to do with this idea from pre-modern-science times? I wonder.


Unknown said...

yup..old beliefs are aplenty! Reminds me of the vampire book, and the beliefs that were then.

Mohsin said...

Yep.. and maybe someday people would say the same for our beliefs..