Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Assorted (but not sorted) list of updates

[Note: You were supposed to be reading this rant 48 hours ago but for the thing in the last para, appended today].

The last book I read was The Strangest Man, a balanced personal + scientific biography of quantum pioneer Paul Dirac. Dirac was single handedly responsible a lot of great ideas in the early days of quantum theory, and singulary eccentric. A good read!

Recently I purchased a sony NWZ E443 8GB Mp3 player. I wanted once since long, but was confused between iPod and Sony. There is not much difference in the music quality, some 'music experts' told me, and I took their word. iPod has this awesome feel about it, but lack of FM and the restriction of always going through iTunes and price difference of around 2K meant I purchased sony. When I bought it, only songs were on my mind. It was only later that I realized the wealth of knowledge spread around the net in the form of podcasts. I have already started building my podcast library. Let me know if you know of any good podcasts. One especially good one that I found was the weekly sciam science talk. Good Stuff!

Watched Rajneeti yesterday. The first half is nicely done, but the second half is copy-pasted from B R Chopra ki mahabharat. Some scenes are so out of place (eg the nihattha scene towards the end) that they cannot be there by accident. Prakash Jha wanted it to be a copy. But why? we all have seen mahabharat on doordarshan. Is it for the younger generation who hasn't heard of DD? What explains the bunch of steamy scenes then? In short, a one time watch.

Prasad Musale aka aaba (my college buddy) was here on Sunday. What started as a 10AM breakfast plan at Goodluck expanded to 10AM breakfast at Wadeshwar (one of us thought GL is not hygenic enough, can you believe that?) + Rajneeti at Mangala + lukkhagiri on roads + evening snacks at GL with a lot of bakar bakar interspersed throughout and ended at 7:30, only because aaba had a bus to catch. A day wonderfully spent!

Weather here has been exceptionally good for a last couple of days. Makes me feel like singing a crappy song from a crappy movie, but with rather nicely fitting words, mausam yeh, awesome bada! :)

The awesomeness mentioned earlier turned into freaking awesomeness on Monday. Really heavy rainfall combined with the changed geography (new buildings etc) meant the water found safe haven in our parking lot. And by a stupid chain of events I found silencer of my bike filled to the brim. Bike is currently recuperating at the mechanic's, but the knee-high water in the parking lot, taking out the bikes with one carried over the shoulder cuz the owner was not present and the maddening traffic was a fun experience in a strange sense. And what a sight!

That's it for now. I hope I will return sooner with the next bunch of updates.


Unknown said...

zcongrats for the mp3 u'll have songs accompany u always :)

abt the freaking awesome time at office u ppl glad i missed it :P

Mohsin said...

thanks :)
n u shudn't have.. it was like once in a lifetime.. :p