Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Fools, April or otherwise..

Today is April fool's day, but I did not discover any prank being played (not yet at least). Seems like the interest in all this stuff is waning (at least in the circles I frequent). Received a few all-too-obvious mails and listened to a few stories of pranks played in yesteryears. Most of such stories boil down to 'how I pretended something and made the other guy believe it'. The other guy somehow misinterpreted you. That is OK, because in the end he knows what it is all about. But can we say, except in the case of these pranks our interpretation departments work perfectly? Misinterpretation is all too common (IMHO). We misunderstand and don't know the truth. Isn't this similar to a big prank being played? So then how much sense April Fool's day makes? Are we not fools, April or otherwise?


vivek said...

Maybe geeks and nerdy geeks like you cannot appreciate such days....
Dude, take a break man, chill..............
(I am ready for the counter attack....hehehehe)

Mohsin said...

why are you so insistent on proving me a geek? (which I am not)
dude take a break, chill....
(I am ready for the counter attack...hehe)